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Responsive Web Design: A Priority to be set without any Delay!

How important it is to go responsive with your website!

Category:Responsive Web Design 
Posted by: suadmin2

In the current fast-paced world where mobile has become the new standard, delivering a convenient user experience on the internet has turned to be the need of the hour. As a business owner, you need a website that can work equally well on every sort of device. In short, what you require is a responsive web design.

Termed to be the hottest trends of 2014 in the web world, responsive design streamlines the growth process for both desktop and mobile web designs, ensuring reliable content across various device sizes.

Why Responsive Web Design should be your priority this year?

If you're getting on a new web design, or are in the process of redesigning the existing site, the following points will better explain why choosing a responsive web design will be beneficial for you. Check it out:

It’s Google’s recommendation: Well, this is one reason that says it all. Google considers it to be the best ways of reaching out to all users accessing smartphones and other mobile devices. Also, it even aids Google in discovering your web content more competently as it doesn't have to crawl a page to recover and file all the site content.

It's cost-effective: With responsive design, you just need one website made. There will be just one version of the code and one management system to revise the content. This saves both time and money.

Lower bounce rate: An unresponsive web leads to a high bounce rate whereas a responsive one cuts it down.

To conclude, we can say that responsive web design is the bridge between your business and customers, take the full advantage of it and get ready to lead the market!

Also read: Responsive Web Design best practices: Think mobile, act mobile!


Responsive Web Design best practices: Think mobile, act mobile! - See more at: http://www.intelligentmobility.com.au/responsive-web-design-best-practices-think-mobile-act-mobile/#sthash.TgWFvddD.dpuf


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