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Mobile SEO and Local Optimisation: Why you should not miss!

The world is passing through the mobile revolution. Both customers and business are becoming mobile and are witnessing the smartphone era like never before.

Category:Mobile Marketing 
Posted by: suadmin2

The world is passing through the mobile revolution. Both customers and business are becoming mobile and are witnessing the smartphone era like never before. Responsive website design is turning into a bridge between businesses and customers and that's why businesses are going after responsive web designs and mobile websites.
Businesses are heavily going after mobile websites and responsive websites. But are these mobile and responsive websites well-optimised? Do you want your mobile website in top of Google's SERP? Well, here are few mobile seo tips that if implemented properly, may help your website get into top of the SERPs, so start optimising your website and get the advantage of mobile search engine optimisation!

It is all about speed

Most of mobile users and mobile searchers do search for things on mobile on the go and that's why they don't like to wait for a website to load on mobile. So make sure your website does not take too much time to load on mobile devices. Make it a quick loading site, and customers will prefer to visit it!

Optimise site for local search

Again, most of the mobile searchers look for the information for the nearby areas. This means that your mobile customers are local customers also and they are looking for the things in their areas not in the next country they are leaving. For example: If you are a restaurant owner, your customers are those living in the area your restaurant is located and not the people of the nearby city or the country.

So focus on local aspect of the search and optimise it for better ranking in local map results of Google SERP. Use keywords that include your suburb/city names and make sure you put address on home page.

Use Call to Actions

When your visitors visit your mobile website from their mobiles, they are more likely to take actions like calling your business or finding your business address and then coming to your store, or if it is an ecommerce site, your users may end up in purchasing from mobile quickly only if you have used CTAs (Call to Actions) wisely and properly. Do not bombard with too many CTAs that will confuse your visitors, use precise, straight call to action buttons/texts like click here to call us, buy now, request a demo etc. and your visitors are more likely to stay in connection with your website.

Size Matters

If your website has very small or very thin navigation links or Call to action buttons, it may frustrate your visitors because most of mobile screens are touchscreens and visitors may be left in frustration when clicking links. So consider the size of navigation links, navigation menu and call to action buttons. Do not make them too small as it will make engagement harder, and do not make them too big as it will cover unnecessarily larger area of mobile screens.

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