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Google Publishes Checklist for Mobile Website Improvement

Are you struggling with your mobile website? Are you looking for ways to make your mobile website design more comfortable and more user friendly? Don't worry! Google has published a fresh checklist and videos to help webmasters, web developers and mobile website designers improve their mobile websites.

Category:Mobile Website Design 
Posted by: suadmin2

Are you struggling with your mobile website? Are you looking for ways to make your mobile website design more comfortable and more user friendly? Don't worry! Google has published a fresh checklist and videos to help webmasters, web developers and mobile website designers improve their mobile websites.

This mobile website checklist is broken down into three parts or steps: Stop frustrating your customers, facilitate task competition and convert customers into fans.

Stop frustrating your customers by avoiding unnecessary elements

The first step Stop frustrating your customers focus on avoiding unnecessary windows, pop-ups on mobile websites that generally frustrate your mobile web users. Because although mobile websites are created for giving a nicer, smooth and comfortable web experience to mobile users, there are websites (tons of websites) that creates a frustrating mobile web experience rather than comfortable experience and hence asks webmasters and mobile website designers to stop frustrating customers who are visiting your mobile website.

Video providing tips to improve high-traffic, poor-experience web pages.
Video providing tips to make quick fixes in performance (and continue if behind competition)

Facilitate task completion and focus on mobile website usability

In step two, Tips about indexing, crawling are given. Google strongly recommends to focus on usability of mobile website: what to include in mobile websites. Because mobile phones are more personalised than tablets and laptops, decide what to include and what not to in your mobile website eg. Tasks related to user like avoiding deadlines, checking rapidly changing information such as support score etc.

Video providing tips to optimize popular mobile persona workflows for your site

Convert customers into fans: don't just provide content, provide values as well

In step three, Google provides tips about integrating and improving apps into search, increasing social sharing etc. are given.

Visit Google's Webmaster Central Blog to read full checklist about mobile website.
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