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Adaptive content - a step forward to responsive web design

Responsive web design has thronged the mobile world with its omnipresence. A successful concept and actualisation, it has been approved by the mobile world for its competence and usability. But, at times we find responsive sites also look shabby and 'ill designed'.

Category:Responsive Web Design 
Posted by: suadmin2

Adaptive content - a step forward to responsive web designResponsive web design has thronged the mobile world with its omnipresence. A successful concept and actualisation, it has been approved by the mobile world for its competence and usability. But, at times we find responsive sites also look shabby and 'ill designed'. Here comes the role of adaptive content.

Its actually not the site design but the content which gives it a cluttered look and feel. To sort out this small but significant problem is to go for adaptive content. This type of content is created once and distributed on devices with different platforms and separate viewing conditions.

Following are the characteristics of adaptive content:

Content changes to object than pages: In adaptive content model, we no longer create pages of content but create objects which can be viewed not on differently but in different formats as well. The chunks of content are displayed in alternative media formats and are intelligent content are designed to bring in the change wherever needed.

Presentation proof content: Taking one step further to responsive web design., we create presentation independent content. As the users would be using diverse screen sizes, the content of the page can actually go haywire. Instead of adding content to pages, we would give reference to the content object which would be displayed as per our design system.

Re-usability of content: In adaptive methodology, it would be scenario based content publishing from one source of content. It enhances readability by displaying the content across diverse devices, screen resolutions, network speed etc.

The above mentioned points suggest the exceptional benefits of adaptive content management. So, when you want to make a full proof responsive web design, you need to plunge into adaptive content design and make display and presentation flawless!! For more updates on this, keep reading...

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